Hiroshima University

□ 2019年
〇ATEE conference 2019 in Bath, UK. from 14 to 16 August
<Oral Presentation>
How Did Japanese Teacher Educators Change Their Identity Through a Workshop?
- Shotaro Iwata, Hiroshima University, Japan
- Hiromi Kawaguchi, Hiroshima University, Japan
- Anja Swennen, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the Netherlands
〇WALS conference 2019 in Amstredam, the Netherlands. from 3 to 5 Sptember
<Poster Presentation>
Overviewing the Outcomes of Workshop-Type School Training from PE Teacher's Lesson Planning Ability
- Aiko Hamamoto, Shoaro Iwata, Almut Krapf, Aodun Qiqige
□ 2018年
〇ATEE conference 2018 in Gavle, Sweden. from 20 to 23 August
<Poster Presentation>
Becoming a Beginning Teacher Educator in Japan:
How does beginning teacher educators change identity through teacher assistants and lecture?
- Shotaro Iwata, Hiroshima University, Japan
- Anja Swennen, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the Netherlands
- Aiko Hamamoto, Graduate school of education, Hiroshima University, Japan
□ 2017年
〇ATEE conference 2017 in Dubrovnik, Croatia from 23 to 25 October
<Poster Presentation>
Teacher Education in Japan and the Netherlands: Main Characteristics and Their Impact on Teacher Educators
The system and contents of teacher education on a national level is the result of historical, cultural and political influences (Trippestad, Swennen & Werler, 2017). The differences in teacher education in each national context help us to understand not only the systems that are foreign to us, but also to become aware of the characteristics of our own systems and contents of teacher education. However, there has been no detailed investigation of the comparative research between different teacher education systems, although a comparative framework is important in order to compare curricula in teacher education (Snoek & Žogla, 2009). Although some research about the influence of context on the identity of teacher educators has been undertaken, this is still an under researched area (Iwata & Kusahara, 2016; Swennen & Volman, 2017).
In this presentation, we will first give a general introduction of the structure of teacher education in Japan and the Netherlands. We then focus on two important aspects of teacher education. The first aspect deals with the content of teacher education in both countries. Questions we will answer are: What content is taught and who decides what is taught (Apple, 2014). The second aspect is concerned with one of the most important aspects of professional education: the relationship between the university based teaching and learning and the practice based teaching and learning of student based teachers in schools. We will highlight study lesson in Japan and school-based teacher education in the Netherlands as examples of bridging university-based and school-based learning.
Finally, we will discuss how the different structures, contents and relationship between university and schools influences the identity of the teacher educators in the Netherlands and Japan.
○ World Association of Lesson Studies 2017 in Nagoya, Japan
Development of Lesson Study on Physical Education through School Training
: Case studies in Japan, China, and Scotland
○ 日本教科教育学会 第43回全国大会 in 北海道
<Poster Presentation>
□ 2016年
〇ATEE conference 2016 in Eindhoven, the Netherlands,
<Interactive Symposium>
"The Problems and Challenges That Teacher Educators Face in Japan"
(Members : K. Kusahara, S. Iwata, H. Kawaguchi, M. Okamura and Y. Osaka)
<Poster Presentation>
"The Development of Prospective Teacher Educators in a Japanese Research University"
Shotaro Iwata & Anja Swennen
○ World Association of Lesson Studies 2016 in Exeter, UK
<Poster Presentation>
"What is the impact of “Short-term Lesson Study” in Japanese primary school?"
Shotaro Iwata
○ Self-Study Group in the Netherlands
<Oral Presentation>
"What is the impact of “Short-term Lesson Study” in Japanese primary school?"
Shotaro Iwata
□ 2015年
□ 2014年